First Call, First Appointment and Scheduling

Our first conversation will occur on the phone. This fifteen-to-twenty-minute conversation is our initial introduction to one another, during which we will mutually decide whether to schedule a first appointment.

I always enjoy scheduling the initial appointment with a new client, couple, or family. In the first session, I’ll listen to you describe your current situation, relevant history, and what you would like to change in your life. After listening and asking a variety of questions, I’ll share my impressions of your situation and how I may be able to help. Not every clinician is a good match for every client. If at any point, either of us decide that this match isn’t working, I will be happy to provide you with the names of other providers or resources in the area that may better meet your needs.

Upon scheduling a first appointment, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to the Simple Practice platform. Through the application, I will send you my office forms for you to complete on the site. If negotiating the site is a challenge for you, I will happily work with you to provide low-tech alternatives!

Download our new client packet

Information on in-person sessions at the office